Apple has recently revealed a list of iOS apps which were affected by the malware considered to be the biggest attack on its App store. Though Apple had not previously disclosed which apps had been affected, most of them were recognized by third parties.
Apple also mentioned the WeChat messaging app and DiDi Taxi among the 25 affected apps by a hackers embedded malware earlier this week.
According to Apple:
“We have no information to suggest that the malware has been used to do anything malicious.”
Apple said, on Sunday while cleaning up the App store, some security firms reported that hackers had embedded a malware in hundreds of Chinese apps.
The security lapse is considered to be quite big as it affected more than 4000 apps as compared to the estimated security breach of 39 apps in previous reports.
Apple further added that on Thursday it was working with developers to get the apps back on the App store and to remove the malware from the impacted apps. The company also claimed that some apps will be recovered with the help of updates.
As per Reuters, Chinese developers used a counterfeit version of Xcode app with embedded malware in it, which was the culprit behind the maligned apps.
Other affected apps listed by Apple on its FAQ Apple Insider’s Report include Flush, Miraculous warmth, Angry bird 2, NetEase Music, Dark Dawn and many more.
Apple also aims to make Xcode faster in functionality for the Chinese developers.
“If users have one of these apps, you should update the affected app which will fix the issue on the user’s device. If the app is available on App Store, it has been updated, and if it is not available it should be updated very soon.” said Apple.
The post Apple Lists Top 25 Apps Hit By Malware appeared first on Swift Contract Phones.